You cannot see the band, of course, because the light waves from the stage are blocked. Imagine going to a concert hall to hear a band, and to your chagrin, you discover that your seat is directly behind a wide post. HOW IT WORKS Comparing Sound and Light Diffraction (Because sound waves are much larger than light waves, however, diffraction of sound is a part of daily life that most people take for granted.) Diffraction of light waves, on the other hand, is much more complicated, and has a number of applications in science and technology, including the use of diffraction gratings in the production of holograms. Any type of energy that travels in a wave is capable of diffraction, and the diffraction of sound and light waves produces a number of effects. Plot the residuals against Date.Diffraction is the bending of waves around obstacles, or the spreading of waves by passing them through an aperture, or opening. Discuss the meaning of the R-squared in this regression. Mwatts: Power plant net capacity in megawatts. Thus, 68.58 is roughly halfway through 1968. The variables are:Ĭost: In $100,000, adjusted to 1976 base.ĭate: Date that construction permit was issued in years after 1900. Here are data on 32 light water nuclear power plants.